Facing a complex challenge at work?

Forget asking for advice. Here's a radical approach that could change everything:

It's called a Clearness Committee, and it's a Quaker practice that dates back to the 1660s.

But don't let its age fool you - it's a tool that's more relevant for leaders than ever.

Here's how it works:

Gather a group of trusted colleagues - but not to give you their opinions or solutions.

Instead, their job is to ask you honest, open questions.

Questions that help you tap into your own inner wisdom and find clarity.

No fixing, no advising, no steering.

Just deep listening and powerful inquiries.

As a leader, this can be transformative.

I've started teaching Clearness Committees in my Curiosity Workshops.

And the results are profound.

Leaders understand that it feels much more energizing and engaging to have others ask you questions rather than give advice.

They lean into these conversations rather than get defensive to well-intentioned suggestions.

And the solutions they find are often more innovative than anything they could have come up with on their own.

All because of the power of asking instead of telling.

What complex challenge are you facing right now?

What if you gathered a Clearness Committee and tried this approach?

You might be surprised at the wisdom and clarity that emerges - not from others, but from within yourself.

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